data - 来自调制解调器的所有常规每分钟信息 +100 线/分钟(到目前为止总共约 150 万条),
modemsInfo - 有关调制解调器的信息、谁拥有它们等(目前约 10 条。超过 3000 条正在发布)未计划),
dataResponse - 调制解调器响应。本质上与data相同,但只有几行(到目前为止大约 10 行),
每 5 秒我收集一次所有所有者调制解调器的最新信息(下文中在idCompany代码中)。在某一时刻,请求时间花费了6秒,并且尚未传输任何数据和数据响应信息的调制解调器越多,采样时间就越差。+1与一个新的调制解调器。我使用各种文章和答案对其进行了修改和优化。变成了1.4秒。容易一点,但在我看来,这需要很长时间。请告诉我,谁不懒得鼓捣这个,还能做什么?它们通过serialNum和typeReceipt
填充数据表 相同:
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227124, '9faec1317eb285f9f20254b6d2e20670', 111111111111, 0, 83206, 76105, 10553, 25226, 80, 0, 411, 74, 22, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 0, '2023-12-17 14:00:10');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227122, '931a1e61b06b2fbcbdea07f6d8fe59ed', 111111111111, 0, 12809, 99159, 42986, 1461, 75, 0, 575, 838, 42, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 0, '2023-12-17 14:00:10');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227121, '393fd8d56d1338b6e5742a95bdd17a58', 822917000001, 0, 24478, 14257, 73864, 43259, 34, 31, 673, 936, 45, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 0, '2023-12-17 14:00:10');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227120, '6592908f518c9b43c0dfc6bcc798bfbd', 111111111111, 0, 55502, 40960, 80864, 26944, 81, 63, 876, 152, 80, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 0, '2023-12-17 14:00:10');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227119, 'b3f8f973c5f3ccabfc5f58be74249c9b', 822125000000, 0, 18944, 89632, 75158, 46181, 58, 87, 812, 368, 65, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:10');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227118, '08d986357608dd939184cfbdc1041a81', 822125000000, 0, 13852, 61660, 99013, 51948, 77, 78, 848, 558, 35, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:10');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227117, 'eaf4a664592b29aba94f5aefe4519c6e', 822917000001, 0, 19293, 14457, 81638, 5465, 26, 3, 818, 951, 95, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:10');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227116, 'e54394b113c5d91c77eb068772c234e7', 822917000001, 0, 56479, 56457, 32901, 75286, 69, 75, 456, 205, 38, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:09');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227115, 'a410df8e915d78d4e65020e16a9061e7', 111111111111, 0, 25941, 33667, 78140, 83016, 36, 83, 67, 314, 14, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:09');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227111, '43a8f3d4dbcf7af684d7ec31183f7c2c', 111111111111, 0, 28033, 69911, 41437, 97644, 20, 42, 742, 384, 88, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:09');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227110, '1e084b1a8028754ef6a6a6113f686638', 822917000001, 0, 58290, 28145, 8922, 54037, 12, 53, 135, 951, 29, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:09');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227109, 'bd5ab82e1aee708f560805983724568e', 822125000000, 0, 70906, 3568, 53202, 41062, 28, 28, 914, 527, 53, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:09');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227108, 'ea2247e979a8062840c650c0f5254036', 111111111111, 0, 81361, 46912, 87251, 11789, 9, 89, 452, 971, 75, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:09');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227104, '9642c393186c731193c51828490d76d3', 111111111111, 0, 94653, 222, 37479, 78288, 78, 89, 134, 96, 79, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:08');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227103, '7d5780e49716d92c33c2e6f500021026', 111111111111, 0, 76185, 85751, 46847, 66784, 97, 66, 725, 19, 59, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:08');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227102, 'dac779c303bcf599174685a4d629b657', 822125000000, 0, 8978, 23016, 82799, 36104, 66, 64, 550, 817, 26, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:08');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227101, 'f0db8b14b9357a5d0db62110939994e3', 822125000000, 0, 39960, 69244, 26330, 24935, 38, 43, 197, 554, 13, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:08');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227100, '8c9712df7f264efeb934753d64cbe232', 822917000001, 0, 78323, 9031, 9834, 23217, 94, 45, 461, 856, 58, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:08');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227099, '05c9d72b9f7dc9995c1c5d2981b1fb9d', 822125000000, 0, 25667, 74187, 25871, 42459, 59, 83, 858, 455, 45, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:08');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227098, 'adb125ba523e789c43b280bf23572ac4', 822917000001, 0, 42359, 72061, 36836, 29225, 40, 68, 677, 695, 40, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:08');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227097, 'f6c062d3b84362ec93a509a44f199f0f', 111111111111, 0, 40311, 80755, 36442, 33862, 6, 44, 452, 746, 52, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:08');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227096, '8b4c70bb37860e457170c7d57eb64b99', 822125000000, 0, 6601, 98527, 1455, 11081, 30, 57, 986, 818, 89, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:08');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227095, 'b6eef858ec15886c113510c970f64e23', 822917000001, 0, 99418, 31939, 52525, 90310, 80, 40, 970, 955, 20, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:08');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227090, 'b8c3812632b8582d874a2e89546e07d7', 822917000001, 0, 64064, 40638, 17418, 24982, 77, 30, 541, 585, 38, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:07');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227089, '26532d9cb67ded61bad390675ea4f552', 822917000001, 0, 22571, 41643, 52396, 62944, 54, 73, 448, 93, 22, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:07');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227082, '268405297d3e3fcccb2a17c0d3173dd0', 111111111111, 0, 73953, 44671, 71077, 64229, 39, 23, 358, 474, 83, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:07');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227081, '405d9b0bf00bd68fa256b094843dcee6', 111111111111, 0, 63800, 68218, 58017, 81928, 17, 79, 919, 195, 45, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:07');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227080, '81786eb3a525e88f8251e760f2bdaa0b', 822125000000, 0, 39770, 10714, 39325, 61061, 62, 69, 656, 316, 91, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:07');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227079, '8893945f6a00932f278011122e44558b', 822917000001, 0, 90452, 70936, 44922, 51558, 55, 95, 63, 50, 98, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:07');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.data (id, md5receipt, serialNum, mode, Ub, Ib, Up, IL, Ta, Tc, tL, tN, PL, Hand, Fire, Night, `Load`, Disch, OverIL, ShortL, ip, typeReceipt, timeReceipt) VALUES (1227078, 'b8f9b8c17c51ef0dca852868b144a67b', 111111111111, 0, 22306, 56306, 26453, 36391, 63, 32, 623, 93, 90, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1370562830, 1, '2023-12-17 14:00:07');
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.dataResponse (md5receipt, serialNum, text, ip, commandResponse, timeReceipt,
VALUES ('1', null, '822917000001', 11212, '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.dataResponse (md5receipt, serialNum, text, ip, commandResponse, timeReceipt,
VALUES ('2', null, '822917000000', 1212, '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.dataResponse (md5receipt, serialNum, text, ip, commandResponse, timeReceipt,
VALUES ('3', null, '822917000001', null, '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.dataResponse (md5receipt, serialNum, text, ip, commandResponse, timeReceipt,
VALUES ('4', null, '822125000000', 11313, '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.dataResponse (md5receipt, serialNum, text, ip, commandResponse, timeReceipt,
VALUES ('5', null, '822125000000', 4114, '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.dataResponse (md5receipt, serialNum, text, ip, commandResponse, timeReceipt,
VALUES ('6', null, '822917000001', 1212, '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.dataResponse (md5receipt, serialNum, text, ip, commandResponse, timeReceipt,
VALUES ('9', null, '822917000001', 1212, '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.dataResponse (md5receipt, serialNum, text, ip, commandResponse, timeReceipt,
VALUES ('10', null, '822917000001', null, '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.dataResponse (md5receipt, serialNum, text, ip, commandResponse, timeReceipt,
VALUES ('11', null, '822917000001', 1212, '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.dataResponse (md5receipt, serialNum, text, ip, commandResponse, timeReceipt,
VALUES ('12', null, '822917000001', 241515, '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.dataResponse (md5receipt, serialNum, text, ip, commandResponse, timeReceipt,
VALUES ('13', null, '822917000000', 1535132, '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.dataResponse (md5receipt, serialNum, text, ip, commandResponse, timeReceipt,
VALUES ('14', null, '822917000001', 4361, '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.dataResponse (md5receipt, serialNum, text, ip, commandResponse, timeReceipt,
VALUES ('15', null, '822125000000', 346, '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.dataResponse (md5receipt, serialNum, text, ip, commandResponse, timeReceipt,
VALUES ('16', null, '822125000000', 13464, '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.modemsInfo (id, serialNum, idCompany, nameModem, phoneNumber, modeDialog,
commandStatusGPRS, region, city, street, structure, latitude, longitude,
timeActivation, timeRegister, idGroup, idIcon, model, keyDelete,
endTimeKeyDelete, commandStatusSMS, billingPeriodDay, billingPeriodTime,
VALUES (21, 822917000001, 1, '1', '79803400001', 1, '?', null, null, null, null, null, null, '2023-12-17 16:02:58',
'2023-12-17 16:02:58', 0, 0, 0, null, null, '?', '01', '00:00:00', 000001);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.modemsInfo (id, serialNum, idCompany, nameModem, phoneNumber, modeDialog,
commandStatusGPRS, region, city, street, structure, latitude, longitude,
timeActivation, timeRegister, idGroup, idIcon, model, keyDelete,
endTimeKeyDelete, commandStatusSMS, billingPeriodDay, billingPeriodTime,
VALUES (22, 822125000000, 1, '2', '79803400000', 1, '?', null, null, null, null, null, null, '2023-12-17 16:04:08',
'2023-12-17 16:04:08', 0, 0, 0, null, null, '?', '01', '00:00:00', 000000);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.modemsInfo (id, serialNum, idCompany, nameModem, phoneNumber, modeDialog,
commandStatusGPRS, region, city, street, structure, latitude, longitude,
timeActivation, timeRegister, idGroup, idIcon, model, keyDelete,
endTimeKeyDelete, commandStatusSMS, billingPeriodDay, billingPeriodTime,
VALUES (44, 111111111111, 1, '3', '79802410000', 1, '?', null, null, null, null, null, null, '2023-12-17 21:21:57',
'2023-12-17 21:20:37', 0, 0, 0, null, null, '?', '01', '00:00:00', 111111);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.modemsInfo (id, serialNum, idCompany, nameModem, phoneNumber, modeDialog,
commandStatusGPRS, region, city, street, structure, latitude, longitude,
timeActivation, timeRegister, idGroup, idIcon, model, keyDelete,
endTimeKeyDelete, commandStatusSMS, billingPeriodDay, billingPeriodTime,
VALUES (45, null, 1, '4', '71112111111', 1, '?', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '2023-12-17 22:16:13', 0, 0,
0, null, null, '?', '01', '00:00:00', 112211);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.modemsInfo (id, serialNum, idCompany, nameModem, phoneNumber, modeDialog,
commandStatusGPRS, region, city, street, structure, latitude, longitude,
timeActivation, timeRegister, idGroup, idIcon, model, keyDelete,
endTimeKeyDelete, commandStatusSMS, billingPeriodDay, billingPeriodTime,
VALUES (46, null, 1, '5', '73333333333', 0, '?', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '2023-12-17 22:16:39', 0, 0,
0, null, null, '?', '01', '00:00:00', 333333);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.modemsInfo (id, serialNum, idCompany, nameModem, phoneNumber, modeDialog,
commandStatusGPRS, region, city, street, structure, latitude, longitude,
timeActivation, timeRegister, idGroup, idIcon, model, keyDelete,
endTimeKeyDelete, commandStatusSMS, billingPeriodDay, billingPeriodTime,
VALUES (47, null, 3, '6', '71333333333', 1, '?', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '2023-12-17 22:16:57', 0, 0,
0, null, null, '?', '01', '00:00:00', 121312);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.modemsInfo (id, serialNum, idCompany, nameModem, phoneNumber, modeDialog,
commandStatusGPRS, region, city, street, structure, latitude, longitude,
timeActivation, timeRegister, idGroup, idIcon, model, keyDelete,
endTimeKeyDelete, commandStatusSMS, billingPeriodDay, billingPeriodTime,
VALUES (49, null, 1, '8', '73332223333', 1, '?', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '2023-12-17 22:17:50', 16, 0,
0, null, null, '?', '01', '00:00:00', 212211);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.modemsInfo (id, serialNum, idCompany, nameModem, phoneNumber, modeDialog,
commandStatusGPRS, region, city, street, structure, latitude, longitude,
timeActivation, timeRegister, idGroup, idIcon, model, keyDelete,
endTimeKeyDelete, commandStatusSMS, billingPeriodDay, billingPeriodTime,
VALUES (50, null, 4, '9', '79802412222', 1, '?', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '2023-12-17 22:18:14', 17, 0,
0, null, null, '?', '01', '00:00:00', 112312);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.modemsInfo (id, serialNum, idCompany, nameModem, phoneNumber, modeDialog,
commandStatusGPRS, region, city, street, structure, latitude, longitude,
timeActivation, timeRegister, idGroup, idIcon, model, keyDelete,
endTimeKeyDelete, commandStatusSMS, billingPeriodDay, billingPeriodTime,
VALUES (51, null, 1, '10', '71231231331', 1, '?', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '2023-12-17 22:18:29', 24,
0, 0, null, null, '?', '01', '00:00:00', 312312);
INSERT INTO u2378356_ledMonitor.modemsInfo (id, serialNum, idCompany, nameModem, phoneNumber, modeDialog,
commandStatusGPRS, region, city, street, structure, latitude, longitude,
timeActivation, timeRegister, idGroup, idIcon, model, keyDelete,
endTimeKeyDelete, commandStatusSMS, billingPeriodDay, billingPeriodTime,
VALUES (52, null, 1, '11', '71231333331', 1, '?', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '2023-12-17 22:18:50', 0, 0,
0, null, null, '?', '01', '00:00:00', 123123);
create table if not exists data
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
md5receipt char(32) not null,
serialNum bigint unsigned not null,
mode tinyint unsigned not null,
Ub mediumint unsigned not null,
Ib mediumint unsigned not null,
Up mediumint unsigned not null,
IL mediumint unsigned not null,
Ta tinyint not null,
Tc tinyint not null,
tL smallint unsigned not null,
tN smallint unsigned not null,
PL tinyint unsigned not null,
Hand tinyint(1) not null,
Fire tinyint(1) not null,
Night tinyint(1) not null,
`Load` tinyint(1) not null,
Disch tinyint(1) not null,
OverIL tinyint(1) not null,
ShortL tinyint(1) not null,
ip int unsigned not null,
typeReceipt tinyint(1) not null ,
timeReceipt timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
constraint md5receipt
unique (md5receipt)
create index DsNtR
on data (serialNum, typeReceipt);
create table if not exists dataResponse
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
md5receipt char(32) not null,
serialNum bigint unsigned not null,
text tinytext not null,
ip int unsigned not null,
commandResponse char not null,
timeReceipt timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
typeReceipt tinyint(1) not null,
constraint md5receipt
unique (md5receipt)
comment 'ответы устройств';
create index DRsNtR
on dataResponse (serialNum, typeReceipt);
create table if not exists modemsInfo
id bigint unsigned auto_increment
primary key,
serialNum bigint(12) unsigned zerofill null,
idCompany bigint unsigned not null,
nameModem varchar(20) not null,
phoneNumber char(11) not null,
modeDialog tinyint(1) default 1 not null,
commandStatusGPRS char default '?' not null,
region tinytext null,
city tinytext null,
street tinytext null,
structure tinytext null,
latitude char(11) null,
longitude char(11) null,
timeActivation timestamp null,
timeRegister timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
idGroup bigint unsigned default 0 not null,
idIcon tinyint unsigned default 0 not null,
model tinyint(1) not null,
keyDelete char(32) null,
endTimeKeyDelete timestamp null,
commandStatusSMS char default '?' not null,
billingPeriodDay char(2) default '01' not null,
billingPeriodTime time default '00:00:00' not null,
identifySerialNum mediumint(6) unsigned zerofill null,
constraint serialNum
unique (serialNum)
create index MIsNmD
on modemsInfo (serialNum, modeDialog);
create index idCompany_2
on modemsInfo (idCompany);
create index idGroup
on modemsInfo (idGroup);
解释请求。我并不完全理解他给出的表格的所有复杂性。根据作者的说法,有很多值都是不好的(使用 where;使用 filesort、100% 过滤等......):
SELECT mI.idGroup, mI.id as idModem , mI.commandStatusGPRS,
mI.nameModem, mI.commandStatusSMS,
mI.phoneNumber, mI.region, mI.city ,mI.street, mI.serialNum,
mI.timeActivation as timeActivation, mI.structure, mI.model,
mI.modeDialog,d.timeReceipt as timeReceiptData ,
dR.timeReceipt as timeReceiptResponse , d.Hand, d.PL,
d.`Load`, d.Mode, d.Disch, d.OverIL, d.ShortL, d.typeReceipt
FROM modemsInfo mI
left outer join data d on d.id = (SELECT MAX(da.id)
FROM data da
WHERE mI.serialNum = da.serialNum
AND mI.modeDialog=da.typeReceipt)
left outer join dataResponse dR on dR.id = (SELECT MAX(dR.id)
FROM dataResponse dR
WHERE mI.serialNum =
AND mI.modeDialog =
WHERE mI.idCompany = :idCompany
order by mI.idGroup DESC
执行速度从 1.4s 降低至 ~0.0016s