ID: 1
Current date and time (time UTC): 05.12.2017 12:09:26
Global time: 00:10:00
ID: 2
Current date and time (time UTC): 06.12.2017 13:04:19
Global time: 00:05:30
ID: 3
有代码应该Current date and time (time UTC): 06.12.2017
在 textBox 中找到并显示所有内容,直到下一个空格,即:
ID: 2
Current date and time (time UTC): 06.12.2017 13:04:19
Global time: 00:05:30
private static string getDate, setInfo = "info";
private void selectDate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
getDate = dateTimePicker1.Text;
foreach (string line in File.ReadLines("io.bin"))
if (line.Contains("Current date and time (time UTC): " + getDate))
//тут надо реализовать хождение по строкам, Но как это сделать?
StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader("io.bin");
while (setInfo != null)
setInfo = streamReader.ReadLine();
textBox1.Text += setInfo + " \r\n";
StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader("io.bin");
while (setInfo != null)
setInfo = streamReader.ReadLine();
textBox1.Text += setInfo + " \r\n";
也就是说:程序使用if (line.Contains("Current date and time (time UTC): " + getDate))
line搜索行Current date and time (time UTC): 05.12.2017
ID: 2
Current date and time (time UTC): 06.12.2017 13:04:19
Global time: 00:05:30
或者使用 LINQ