下面代码中的函数输出值不正确。以下是 ( ) 中的输出结果show_summary
The following is a summary of the information you provided:
Student Name: (Parent) # Здесь по какой-то причине выводится/принимается первое значение (`Parent`) из первой в коде функции `command_start`, вместо `student_name`, следовательно, нарушается и остальная "последовательность".
Date of birth: (full name)
Parent's name: (YYYYY-MM-DD)
Parent's phone number: (full name of (parent))
Thank you for enrolling your child. You will receive further instructions.
括号中的内容是我在 Telegram 机器人中测试时手动输入的(用于演示目的)
Here is the summary of the information you provided:
Student Name: (Student Name) # И так оно и должно быть по идеи.
Date of Birth: (Date of Birth)
Parent Name: (Parent Name)
Parent Phone: (Parent Phone)
Thank you for enrolling your child. You will receive further instructions.
class Form(StatesGroup):
select = State()
student_name = State()
student_dob = State()
parent_name = State()
parent_phone = State()
finish = State()
async def command_start(message: Message, state: FSMContext) -> None:
await state.set_state(Form.select)
await message.answer(
"Welcome! We are happy to welcome you to our bot. "
"By continuing, you automatically agree to the terms of use and privacy policy. "
"Are you a parent or a student?",
@router.message(Form.select, F.text.casefold() == "student")
async def student(message: Message, state: FSMContext) -> None:
await state.clear()
await message.answer(
"Not bad not terrible.\nSee you soon.",
@router.message(Form.select, F.text.casefold() == "parent")
async def student_name(message: Message, state: FSMContext) -> None:
await state.update_data(student_name=message.text)
await state.set_state(Form.student_dob)
await message.reply(
"Great! To enroll your child, please enter the student's full name:",
async def student_dob(message: Message, state: FSMContext) -> None:
await state.update_data(student_dob=message.text)
await state.set_state(Form.parent_name)
await message.reply(
"Thank you! Please enter the student's date of birth (YYYYY-MM-DD).",
async def parent_name(message: Message, state: FSMContext) -> None:
await state.update_data(parent_name=message.text)
await state.set_state(Form.parent_phone)
await message.reply(
"Please enter your full name (parent):",
async def parent_phone(message: Message, state:FSMContext) -> None:
await state.update_data(parent_phone=message.text)
await state.set_state(Form.finish)
await message.reply(
"Last step - enter your phone number (parent).",
async def process_register(message: Message, state: FSMContext) -> None:
data = await state.get_data()
await state.clear()
await message.answer(
"Congratulations! You have successfully enrolled your child.",
await show_summary(message=message, data=data)
async def show_summary(message: Message, data: Dict[str, Any], positive: bool = True) -> None:
student_name = data.get("student_name", "Unknown")
student_dob = data.get("student_dob", "Unknown")
parent_name = data.get("parent_name", "Unknown")
parent_phone = data.get("parent_phone", "Unknown")
summary_text = "Here is the summary of the information you provided:\n"
summary_text += f"Student Name: {student_name}\n"
summary_text += f"Date of Birth: {student_dob}\n"
summary_text += f"Parent Name: {parent_name}\n"
summary_text += f"Parent Phone: {parent_phone}\n"
if positive:
summary_text += "Thank you for enrolling your child. You will receive further instructions."
summary_text += "We're sorry to hear that you encountered issues during the registration process."
await message.answer(text=summary_text, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())